Cooperative Movement in the country is now more than hundred years old but unlike Germany, Britain and other western countries where the Cooperatives have
flourished, the Cooperative Movement in our country has not grown itself but the initiative has come from the above and the Movement has been thrust on the people.
It was on the initiative of the Government when a senior Government servant namely Nicholson was deputed to Germany to study the Cooperative Movement there
and accordingly propose a solution to the problems faced by the farmers in the rural areas of the country.
Mr. Nicholson came with the suggestion/recommendation that the Cooperative Movement is required to be introduced in the country which can offer a
solution to the problem of rural populace and eliminating the role of middlemen and moneylenders. In his report, he has reported.Find Raffison;
by this, he was referring to great Co-operator Mr. Raffison of Germany.
Cooperative Credit Societies Act 1904 came into being which attempted to solve to some extent the problems of rural credit.
The said Act was enacted to promote self-help groups, Thrift and Credit Cooperatives comprising of agriculturists and artisans and
such persons of the society who had very small landholdings. However, over a period of years, improvements came to be made in the
Cooperative Movement when in 1912, the Cooperative Societies Act 1912 came into being. Various sections of the said Act related to the
position of Cooperative Societies and the powers of Registrar. The said Act revolved round two axis; Societies and Registrar.
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